Sunday, September 11, 2011

Running Man

Last week, I got to make a birthday cake for my Uncle Greg.  He's one of my top 3 favorite uncles.... out of 3. :-)  Within the last few years, we've seen Uncle Greg make a TREMENDOUS change in his life.  He started running, and before we knew it, he was completing 5ks, half marathons, and the Disney marathon this January.  It has been so impressive to see him meet these challenges, and to keep pushing onward.  A large group of friends and family will be running the next Disney half marathon (in 3 weeks!  Yikes!) with him-- by that I mean waving goodbye to his back at the start line and staggering up to the finish line an hour after he finishes.  Still, I look forward to spending that time together!
For his birthday cake, I decided to try a shoebox cake.  He's family, and therefore he's a guinea pig.  I also attempted to sculpt a running shoe out of rice krispies treats.  It was a learning experience, but Uncle Greg was happy with it and that's what matters!
Happy Birthday, Uncle Greg!  Love you!

Cream cheese pound cake, raspberry and lemon filling.  Top of box is foam, shoe is rice krispies treats.  Buttercream with fondant accents.

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